Buzzing on Change My View

Weekly Selection / Issue 43 · 2021-11-12


CMV: He started it is a perfectly valid defense and we should've never been taught otherwise

Everyone knows the scenario, two kids are fighting or getting into it in some manner or another and then the parent or teacher or principal or whatever breaks them up and one says "he started it" and then the authority figures says "I don't care who started it" I'm sure you've seen it happen in…

2021-11-11 18:35·View on Reddit

Typing this on a phone so sorry for spelling mistakes I am a 17 year old straight boy so i could be very biased/under informed, however i do believe that the stigmatizing nature of being a member of the lgbtq+ community is far worse for a guy than it is for a girl. Don't get me wrong, both receive…

IMHO when this kind of conflict was allowed, at the very least, people would be open to debate and changing their minds. at least neutrals went back and forth and they were exposed to information they didn't know existed. now, reddit, youtube and the internet generally is primarily composed…

I found it very traumatic as a kid when people (other kids and some adults) got in my business and told me that I was going to hell, just because I didn't (first of all, even know what hell was) accept their savior. It was very confusing at first because it starts in elementary school, an age when…

(This is semi-related to COVID as this argument comes up a lot but I’ve also seen this come up in responses to people that question climate change, evolution, etc). I understand the trusting of experts as more of a metric of probability and a crutch for the inevitable fact that most people will…

I’ve had a number of conversations with people who look down on homeless people in general, and these conversations almost always inevitably take the same turn, especially these days with so many hiring signs out - “Why don’t they just get a job like a normal person and stop living on the street” or…

I believe that human beings, while they are able to think in a more abstract, out of the box way, still retain an underlying biological pressure to reproduce, and the root instinctual desire for the act of sex, and the enjoyment that comes from it, is evolutions way of “rewarding” us for…

With the Party’s clear embracement of Qanon, a literal death cult conspiracy theory, anti democratic practices such as voter suppression, the big lie of Trump and the rest of the party, and the attack on human rights such as the limitations on Queer people’s healthcare or opposition to a minimum…

You do not expand by not looking beyond that what you currently know. According to Nietzsche what defines an Übermensch is his quest to always expand his point of view. Way too many people are caught in in psychological trap, which makes them ignorant and dismissive of anything that they perceive as…

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