Buzzing on Change My View

Weekly Selection / Issue 42 · 2021-11-05


CMV: there should be a child rent instead of a pet rent.

First off, I know that child rent doesn’t exist because it’s against the law. This is a “should” post. Children are by a million miles more destructive, annoying, and overall unpleasant than most people’s pets. I work maintenance at an apartment and people with kids get significantly more noise…

2021-11-04 20:40·View on Reddit

Recently a survey came out that more than 1/3 of white students lie about their race on college applications. [] The students were heavily criticized on leftist twitter and by civil…

This is a post relating to drug prohibition. To me, it seems to be a glaring inconsistency in the law. The State is not there to protect me from myself. Law is there to ensure order between people and my personal right to consume something does not necessarily harm anyone else. Bodily autonamy is a…

After seeing quite a few posts here considdereing sexuality, abortion, transgenderism etc I decided to make a CMV myself. I believe the public is being manipulated to talk about these topics because they are polarizing and distracting from the real agenda of the right: What does the right…

I have seen a number of posts across Reddit (particularly r/antiwork [/r/antiwork]) that how employers exploit employees when it comes to calling in sick. One such situation I have seen mentioned a lot is that employers are requiring doctors' notes on, or after taking a sick day or face punishment.…

Title says it, the idea that if some rich dude just donates part of his money and it will fix world hunger is just, extremely stupid, naive and utopian. The US governament alone spend more than 6 Trillion Dollars in 2020 alone. Money alone won't…

So in the UK after the recent murder of an MP (the second in 5 years) the government is now considering removing anonymity in the UK for social media platforms. This is the same government that also tried to make you require ID to view porn and that has made it illegal to cause a disruption while…

I'll limit it to Canada and USA, but I am sure this applies to others. When I hear people being concerned about low birth rates, I think, even if that's a problem, what can we do about it. I would like my view changed because right now I'm a pessimist. Please note that this post isn't about…

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