Buzzing on Change My View

Weekly Selection / Issue 44 · 2021-11-19


CMV: When people mention “Biblical Marriage” they should also include polygamy and incest in their definitions of marriage.

The Bible makes it very clear that polygamy and marrying your sister or family members is perfectly moral. When having discussions about marriage with Christians we should really consider the entire context of the Bible to get a better understanding of its VERY open view of marriage. The Bible…

2021-11-18 21:32·View on Reddit

Firstly, I want to clarify what I mean by political correctness as I see it as a spectrum to some extent. I have no problem with everyone agreeing with the fact that certain terms are offensive and we should try not to use them in polite conversation. I even respect people's right to use those…

CMV: There are few phrases more inaccurate and culturally insensitive than calling the US president "The Leader of the Free World", but somehow the majority of the US population doesn't bat an eye when it's used thousands of times a day in the media, and in daily conversation. This must…

I see this exchange happen a lot in gun debates - someone brings up the need to secure a free state by the vigilance of the people, then the anti-gun guy counters that some dudes with AR-15s could never fight off drone strikes and US Marines, so there’s no point in trying… I’m not sure if this kind…

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