Note this comment applies to 99% of so-called influencers. While there are certainly a few who actually sell product and get people to copy their style / fashion (sports stars, Hollywood icons etc), the vast majority of people calling themselves influencers are just extroverts from Podunk…
He's an all original character with a fantastic backstory and the idea of his existence is far more disturbing then any of his decade counterparts like Jason, Micheal, or Chucky. My man Freddy has the best style of dress, the best methods of killing, and the best dialog one liners (winning out…
Circumcision is not only almost always medically unnecessary, but it is a clear violation of the rights of the child. If somebody who is at an age capable of consenting, then sure, let them do it. Being allowed to mutilate our children in the name of religion is completely insane, and should not at…
If a million kings made a million decisions for their subjects with a mindset of "trust your feelings", and another million kings made a million decisions for their subjects with a dispassionate mindset (Vulcan style), the latter group would have more success more often. Whenever someone defends a…
No matter the rush, no matter the circumstance, assuring that your grocery cart is returned is the right thing to do in every instance. I absolutely hate it when I go to pull into a spot and someone left their cart in it. It seems to me like there’s no excuse. Parking lots are already accident prone…
The act of buying an expensive, timeless diamond ring is perpetuated by the De Beers company, that suppresses the supply of diamonds to retain an artificially high price. The utility obtained from the diamond ring is completely detached from the price. This is also true for other day-to-day things…
As the title suggests , I don't believe that I have to respect every culture/religion. Since they can be promoting ideas that don't align with my moral values ( misogyny ,sexism,inequality,racism , pedophilia...). What I do have to respect is one's choice to follow a desired religion and practice…
Disclaimer: Since I'm probably going to be called an anti-vaxxer for making this argument, I want to make it clear that I have taken the vaccine and would encourage anyone who is medically fit to do so also take it. With that out of the way, I see a lot of pro-vaccine and pro-mandate…
I see this with celebrities and “influencers” but also in general. Many people promote this message of “loving yourself for who you are” while they themselves are refuse to be seen without makeup, use filters and photoshop and get surgeries to look better. I think one of the goofiest things I’ve…
Many of my colleagues include their pronouns in their email signature and in other types of professional correspondence. I am totally fine with them doing that. I have no complaints about the practice at all. I don't, however, feel any need to follow suit and put my pronouns in my email signature.…
Money doesn't buy happiness. Its a statement that is a complete and udder lie that is only used to keep the poor from feeling bad about their current situations. Of course money buys happiness. The world was literally built on the idea of currency. You'd have to be an absolute buffoons' to assume…
“White culture” is synonymous with American culture because most Americans are white and “white culture” is the dominant culture in the USA. People should stop referring to American culture as “white culture” and start referring to it as “American culture” because it doesn’t let nonwhites assimilate…
A lot of times, we hear people in the West defending atrocities committed by other cultures/nations, saying that "We are not in a position to judge them for their wrongdoings, since we are a product of Western culture and we have been indoctrinated with Western values." I think this sentiment is…
I am a professional chef and the pandemic and lockdown hit the food scene like the fist of an angry god. Many restaurants immediately shut down to wait it out. Many restaurants shut down and went out of business. Some restaurants were able to stay in business by effectively converting to a dine-out…
I have no issue with inclusivity and couldn’t care less why you identify as/who you’re attracted to, that’s totally your business. But the point of a pronoun is to be a general term used to identify/refer to someone. There are currently 78 gender pronouns… 78. At that point, wouldn’t it make more…
A phrase I've seen used a lot recently in internet discourse is this idea of "cancel culture", moreso in the last few weeks because of controversy surrounding Dave Chappelle's new comedy special. Interestingly it seems like this idea has become popular even among the center-left (which I feel are…
Everybody likes to delude themselves that 4chan is some sort of aberration, a disgusting pimple on the face of the internet, and that the "real" internet is a welcoming and wholesome place. But 4chan is the ONLY place on the internet where all legally protected speech is permissible, and only…
I don't understand why waking up early is considered a great thing and people look down on those who wake up late (atleast in my country, India) I wake up late because I start my work at 10 and if I wake up at 5 in the morning, I would just be draining my energy till 10. Waking up at 9 and…
I don’t have my social handles listed on any of my dating profiles but I’ve still had people be able to find my Instagram as some of them go to the same college as me and we have mutual followers. I don’t think this is okay as the fact that we didn’t match should indicate that I may not be…
There are some people that think humanity is only getting worse, all changes that come forth are bad etc, you know the type. But I don't think that's how it is. But challenge me. I don't see humanity getting worse, or people getting worse, but better, even despite the melting pots of people who are…
It's pretty easy to find abortion advocates, on either side, who treat this as the ONE issue that will dominate political discourse. The US has ~610,000 abortions/year. For comparison, heart disease kills ~650K/year and cancer kills ~ 600K/year. We all agree cancer and heart disease are bad, but…
To illustrate my point, let’s take a simple example: I buy $100 worth of stock in a company, that stock then appreciates in value to $500, meaning I owe taxes on $400 worth of “unrealized capital gains”. If the stock then plummets to $50 in value, all of a sudden I owe the government for assets I…
One of the largest selling points of joining the military is that you get a large stipend to spend on your post-secondary education through the GI Bill. Talking to many recruits and veterans, many of them bring up joining the army to pay off their college education because they didn't want to deal…
I remember when I first started working, as long as someone gave a few days notice before calling off, the manager would handle scheduling. It was nice if you had already found someone to fill in for you but it wasn’t an expectation. But it seems at some point that changed where now the employee is…
Imagine the apartment you live in catches on fire and you live on the third floor. You get to the elevator but of course there’s a sign that says “in case of fire use stairs” Seems easy enough, right? But what if you’re in a wheelchair or scooter. You can’t use the stairs so your only options are…
I’m less inclined to change my view on this topic, more interested to hear opposing views; I am, however, open to re-evaluating my position and realise my logic may be wrong. I am not saying that sex work isn’t HARD work, even in the slightest. I just feel that the line between ‘lingeries on…
it boggles my mind how many people I've met who think that burgers aren't sandwiches. it's crazy. they're so obviously sandwiches. the definition of a sandwich is 2 pieces of bread, crackers etc, with something between them. a burger is 2 bread buns with a beef (sometimes chicken) patty in the…
I’m all for trans rights, gender roles should burn in flames and gender identities should rise from the ashes, but we have 3 pronouns everyone is used to, he, she, and they. if none of these apply to you, you can’t get offended when your own personal unique pronoun isn’t used, because you’re forcing…
We seem to agree as a society that shame is harmful to mental health, and is particularly harmful to children. In my state, intentionally leading a child to believe that he or she is bad or defective is considered emotional abuse or neglect. It's grounds to involve social services. Some examples of…
Mainly using my points here regarding US politics as the issue is most pronounced there, but this does apply to other democratic politics aswell. Modern democracy still has a long way to go until it is the idealized system it's often described as. But I…
The reason for the age restriction is that people's brains are not done developing until their mid-twenties, and because there are a lot of fluctuations in emotions and life circumstances in your youth. There should be a time lock after signing up for the assisted euthanasia where you have to wait…
Cancel culture is annoying. No one is perfect so we all make mistakes but what's annoying about this is how people exploit these mistakes to use you as a strawman by looking for hipocrisy in your words. I just can't help but see that as a way to undermine an opponent and not as a way to promote a…
Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how I feel in regards to rioting as a form of protest, but regardless of that, I feel that when leftists say something along the lines of “well actually, MLK did riot and supported rioting actually!” I just can’t help but chuckle to myself and shake my head in…
I understand that there is a LOT of baggage and history and context behind the n word that me as a non-black person couldn’t fully understand. With that said however, I cannot understand the logic behind not being able to sing a lyric containing said n word without being labeled a racist, other than…
In recent years it seems that many subjects have become much more divisive. I don't want to dwell on who's right, because my concern isn't about right or wrong, but about our ability as a society to live together with these growing differences. Politics - In the USA there you can…
If you are born and raised in the United States then you are an American, especially in the working class. We share the same culture, deal with the same struggles. My message I’m trying to get across here is that if we stop being so tribal we might can make a difference. Black or white doesn’t…
I feel as though our major manufacturing shift from our countries to overseas (and especially China) has had many devastating economic, ethical and even economical issues throughout the past 40 years. I’m not suggesting we should be “America first” when it comes to a lot of things, but I do believe…
This was drilled into my mind a thousand times, I am curious if people think there are legitimate cases where this doesn't apply. I was always told that regardless of whether or not you just checked the gun, or just finished firing it, or any other set of circumstances, the only safe way to approach…
I'm not against representation in media. While I don't personally care much about it, I recognize that it matters to a lot of people and is ultimately necessary. However, in regards to historical pieces, I think that forcing representation in cases where it does not make sense is bad. Instead, we…
Edit: No, I'm not saying that all Conservatives do this Conservatives use identity politics in these ways and I agree that calling black conservatives racial slurs or race based insults is racist and it makes me cringe whenever I see someone do that 1. Claiming that it is racist for a white…
A Universal Law, according to Kant's Categorical Imperative, should be able to be followed by everyone, with absolutely no exceptions. There is no situation that I can think of in which this maxim should be violated. This is because rape is never a solution to a problem. A person will not die due…
What I mean is, if someone says they have autism, but do not have any/enough of the symptoms of autism to meet criteria for that diagnosis, it is not "gatekeeping" to say they do not have autism. Diagnoses are definitions of diifferent types brains and/or different types of human suffering based…
The reason I'm only talking about constitutional ones, like what we've got in Europe, is that even if there's a democracy in place and the monarch is just a figurehead, the position of head of state is still inherited and taxpayers have to fund the expenses (which includes security) of an entire…
i believed in god and a afterlife until the last week or so when i started to question my beliefs, alot of the stuff does not make sense to me, one of these things is the afterlife, As far as we know now conciousness (most likely) is connected the brain, And when we die, the brain does not fully…
It seems almost impossible to scroll through any animal-related sub (or /all for that matter) without coming across one of these. I invariably see the picture/video/whatever first, and about halfway through the warm-fuzzy feeling I get when I see someone's pet, I register that the title is something…
I'm of the belief that using an intrinsic quality of someone as a basis of insult is wrong. There are countless other ways we try to improve our language to be more sensitive and inclusive; I don't see a valid reason this should be an exception. As a corollary part of my view on this I believe that…
I recently saw a comment on here saying essentially "pitbulls are a dangerous dog breed." I replied to the contrary and was surprised by the overwhelming disagreement I got. So, am I wrong here? My view is that to claim pitbulls are inherently violent does a disservice to them and biases humans to…
okay so i'm 15 (so you can get a better grip of my mindset) and obviously i'm in high school and if you've ever been in a gym class with both genders there's a dance unit where you have to be partnered with a male if your female, BUT if your religion says you cant do something like touch a male…
I use the terms British and American to describe the different styles of making toasted cheese sandwiches as they are most synonymous with these countries, although not strictly limited to. For the uninitiated, many British households have one of these machines tucked at the back of a cupboard…
My view of abortion is that it should be safe and legal but as rare as possible, as it is always tragic to lose a baby. I have had multiple conversations with friends and family over the years, and seen dozens of posts online, about women (and men) mourning miscarriages. Losing a pregnancy you…