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CMV: The "BelieveSurvivors" movement is too extreme. We shouldn't believe alleged survivors based on their word alone.

[EDIT] I've reached the conclusion that I'm simply reading into the slogan more literally than I ought to. I tend to take things quite literally, and the "BelieveSurvivors" slogan makes me think we should take their word as 100% absolute truth, when this simply isn't the case. Thanks for changing my…

2021-10-13 04:41·View on Reddit

Getting people fired from their jobs or removed from volunteer posts, etc. for saying or writing things that are offensive to groups of people doesn't teach a worthy lesson; it teaches people that if you offend with your thoughts/jokes/words via speech or written word, you are going to…

Whilst I understand the logic behind the sentiment, the 'racism = power + privilege', the arguement falls apart when you zoom out and attempt to comprehend the scope of the prejudice and discrimination that happens all over the world on a daily basis. I have been spat on in the streets of Tunisia…

A lot has been said of the 'mental health epidemic" that is going on with the youth of today, but I would argue that this is nothing new. We are finally becoming aware of mental health issues and accepting it for what it is. In previous generations, people didn't go to therapy, it was perceived as…

I was inspired by this thread here []. TL;DR A redditor was asking to have their view changed on getting a COVID vaccine booster even though they are not eligible nor authorized to get it.…

France is the latest jurisdiction in which the Catholic Church has been outed for historic abuses of children. It’s apparent that paedophiles are attracted to opportunities where they can infiltrate and gain trust to groom and abuse. I admit that’s not restricted to the Catholic Church, nor solely…

I want to keep this short and sweet as opposed to a long post. Of course, I know this won’t guarantee much of anything, but I still feel that, at least from the bottom of my heart, I still want to see some discourse on this matter. Recently, there has been a crackdown on the use of terms such as…

This is just something that I have come to observe. Now, it might have something to do with me and whom I choose to surround myself around, but it feels like more people are beginning to throw the "have you considered therapy" line as a way of shutting others up. They don't really want to hear about…

To be clear, I'm only talking about cases where the threat is still active. If someone's running away you obviously shouldn't be able to shoot them in the back. But if someone punches you and is still an active threat to you, you should be able to stab/shoot them to neutralize them. A punch can…

I’ve had a few conversations with evangelical family members and I often ask why they are so stringent and hard lined on a few faith-braised political stances, while willing to let so many others go? Like blood sacrifices aren’t such a huge part of life, and why can we eat shellfish or mix fabrics…

There are exceptions to this and that is if they are in a position of power and authority and their speech indicated they are negatively impacting groups of people in their lives due to being the owner of a business, a politician, or a person of legal authority. With in that exception it needs to…

Basically, my view is that the word "said" is the most neutral word to use in this situation. Other words carry certain implications, and thus are more likely to be misleading. Consider the following three hypothetical headlines: "Government insider claims policy X has been a failure" "Government…

There's this common refrain that once you start showing signs of balding, not shaving your hair off is somehow pathetic and vain. Like you're trying to cling on to your youthfulness/virility/whatever and failing miserably or embarrassing yourself. That the only 'dignified' thing to do is to resign…

On Tuesday, Facebook "whistleblower" Frances Haugen testified before Congress [] and called for the regulation of Facebook. More government regulation of the internet and of social media is good for Facebook and…

The more I learn about the Minneapolis police, the more I’m disgusted about them. These officers hunted peaceful people like animals, fist bumping and cursing after hitting people. They fired from unmarked cars and are surprised that people fired back thinking they were being hit with a drive-by…

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