CMV: Parents who refuse to take their screaming child out of an event/restaurant/whatever, secretly want others to suffer the way they have to.
from /r/changemyview
CMV: 那些拒絕把他們尖叫的孩子帶出活動/餐廳/任何地方的父母,暗地裏希望其他人像他們那樣受苦。
CMV: 那些拒絕把他們尖叫的孩子帶出活動/餐廳/任何地方的父母,暗地裏希望其他人像他們那樣受苦。
CMV: Parents who refuse to take their screaming child out of an event/restaurant/whatever, secretly want others to suffer the way they have to.
from /r/changemyview