CMV: The Idea that a someone like elon musk or jeff bezo could just donate a part of his money and world hunger is just stupid.
from /r/changemyview
CMV: 认为像埃隆-马斯克或杰夫-贝佐这样的人可以把他的一部分钱捐给世界饥饿人口的想法是愚蠢的。
CMV: 认为像埃隆-马斯克或杰夫-贝佐这样的人可以把他的一部分钱捐给世界饥饿人口的想法是愚蠢的。
CMV: The Idea that a someone like elon musk or jeff bezo could just donate a part of his money and world hunger is just stupid.
from /r/changemyview