CMV: The wealthy are parasites who hoard wealth and do everything within their power to subjucate people and sew misery and desperation for their own gain.
from /r/changemyview
CMV: 富裕層は、富をため込み、自分の利益のために人々を服従させ、不幸と絶望を縫うためにあらゆる手段を講じる寄生虫です。
CMV: 富裕層は、富をため込み、自分の利益のために人々を服従させ、不幸と絶望を縫うためにあらゆる手段を講じる寄生虫です。
CMV: The wealthy are parasites who hoard wealth and do everything within their power to subjucate people and sew misery and desperation for their own gain.
from /r/changemyview