
Archive / 2021-3


CMV: smoking anything in public places should be banned

That is not a war on drugs or something against weed. I think all smoking, including the things that are completely legal right now, should be banned in public. It doesn't matter if its cigarettes, vapes, weed, or your fancy cigar, if that is a shared environment that other people are present at…

Can You Change My Mindreddit
2021-03-31 17:06·Redditで見る

I realize a certain amount of mandatory evangelism or outreach takes place, but ambushing what was otherwise a friendly exchange is off putting and sometimes annoying. It happens in the randomest of places: out for a walk in the park, overseas on the beach, sometimes the person can get downright…

It’s a sticky situation and my heart goes out to both families. But I strongly believe that these individuals that committed this crime should have to deal with the consequences of their actions. I’ve seen people try and say that the kids didn’t mean to kill the under driver, they just wanted to…

I am a woman in my mid/late 20’s and I grew up hanging out with boys all the time. I dressed in boy clothes all the time and loathed anything feminine. I also realised that at a young age that I am attracted to both men and women. I think if I had grown up in today’s social climate, I might have…

I just want to start by saying this might be the only instance of something that I would actually, unironically call "virtue signaling" -- a term I usually disdain and find dismissive of social progress. But in this case, that's exactly what I think it is. "Folks" is an inclusive word. It means…

Now, I'll start by saying that I don't mean that the pain and suffering that people in the US is fake, not that, everyone's pain is absolutely real and they deserve help. And the US DOES have their problems, mainly police brutality and health expenses. But still, my point is that, while they do have…

So I have done it, maybe you have, but we have seen the douche in the big 4x4 lifted F-450, who parks like he owns the world, doesn't tip waitresses despite making 400k a year, doesn't respect anyone, you know the rest. Well the first thing a lot of people like to go to for a good dig on them is…

Recently there have been a number of articles on deaths and adverse reactions experienced by people who have taken a Covid vaccine. It is fine to report on these events, but IMO it is incredibly irresponsible (EDIT: negligent) of journalists to leave out the very important detail - namely the lack…

I am a man, I concede that the violence committed by men is abhorrent. I agree that there is WAY too much of it. While I agree that cultural elements probably play a part but I also think some of the biological elements that lead men to extreme behaviors in pretty much every avenue, are also…

I've seen conservatives on Twitter trying to invoke the 25th Amendment after a clip of Joe Biden at the end of a press conference "looking confused" and the staffers asking the reporters to leave. I don't think Kamala Harris, potentially the first female president getting to that office would be…

Just like the title says, I can sort of understand where they are coming from but it does more harm than good. Even if the majority of Reddit is white doesn’t mean that comments will turn into white supremacy rants. If someone is being racist than I would imagine they would get reported or downvoted…

The argument that criminals will get themselves a gun, no matter what, is a flawed way of thinking. This only works if we assume that everyone who commits a crime with a gun is a complete anarchist, with no respect for any law, anywhere. It also assumes that they are all very resourceful and know…

The select few in power (the 1%, if want to call them that) want us to believe our neighbors are our enemies: that the person on the left is a radical socialist and that the person on the right is a nazi. This way it’s more difficult to foster equity between people of differing views and among…

It strikes me that in conversations about online trolling, where real-world examples are used as illustrative material the poster’s handle is commonly obscured. I’ve recently watched three TV documentaries on the subject of online trolling.... Caroline Flack: Her life and death, Jesy Nelson: Odd one…

I'm speaking more of video games than anything else, but my point stands for movies or anything other forms of media as well. If the original creator of something is no longer selling it, this giving me no way to support them, I shouldn't feel bad at all for pirating it. As an example, there is a…

Lately there’s been a lot of videos of priests and pastors openly talking about politics in their churches and how Biden is the devil and trump is a gift sent from god or whatever. The common response to this is usually ‘tax the hell out of them.’ While I agree that’s what should happen I don’t…

EDIT:I'm so glad I posted this, I have some very, very insightful answers. And I can see the difference between systemic and institutional racism. However, this doesn't help in the fact that racism and discrimination is considered right, no matter who it's against. My view is not changed as of yet…

Thought about this after reading someone I follow on Twitter regarding DeShaun Watson n his sexual assault allegations (back when it was just the one) about how these ideas weren’t in conflict. And yea, the idea that they aren’t in conflict confuses me, because the idea that I am supposed to believe…

Attacks on Asian Americans are now being reported more frequently. Stop Asian Hate is the trending motto and people are even planning demonstrations this weekend. I completely agree that all racial violence should be called out in all its forms. We should never ignore it. But why are we continuing…

Before you argue that I am saying autistic people shouldn't be in film and media, let me clarify I am not saying that. I just feel like the argument that they should or have be played by neuro-atypical individuals doesn't make a whole lot of sense. When Smile was released by SIA a prevailing…

Autistic person here, before anyone comes at me. (20F for context) I was diagnosed on the mid-high end of the spectrum when i was 8 years old. I was considered higher functioning but it was still noticeable enough to get me referred for a diagnosis from my school. I struggled with a lot of things…

For those who don't know/don't understand how it works, the U.S. uses a system of electors to elect the president. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes which aren't proportionate to their population (less populated states are overrepresented, more populous states are under represented)…

I’ve mainly experienced this in my family. There’s so much competition and insecurity between people but you wouldn’t know by looking from the outside. I think most families are like this from talking to people but I could be wrong. It just seems that way. I want to believe all of this isn’t true…

I realize this has probably been done to death, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Also, a couple of disclaimers. I'm coming from a US perspective, so I apologize if any terms or concepts don't correlate to other cultures. And, I graduated from high school ten years ago, so it could be…

Someone told me this is just my self hatred speaking so I guess this opinion needs to change; As an autist I think it just doesnt matter at all if an autistic character is portrayed by an autistic actor, they are ACTING, if they are directed wrongly they might as well be a normal actor. Id rather…

From a support standpoint, yes I think should believe all women But when it comes to consequences, legal or otherwise such as being fired from a job or removed from a position, there should always be due process and an investigation prior to judgement being passed, yes even if “you know he did…

The Democratic Party represents, in American mainstream popular culture the "good guys" of American politics. To a great deal of Americans, they are viewed as the caring and sweet souls who are always there to give speeches about how great things can be if Americans unite, who have their pronouns in…

I got into a heated argument with a friend who just graduated from medical school. He was posting about now he earned his success on his own when in fact his parents paid for the 500k tuition fees in full. I understand it isn’t easy to graduate from medical school or in any other course for the…

In light of the U.S. considering canceling student loan debt with President Biden pushing $10k and Democrats pushing $50k, the focus seems to be the value rather than how to stop the next generation from digging that hole. Background, joined military, got school payed for etc. I'm borderline okay…

Seen a lot of women in the UK (after recent events) posting that it's not okay to say "Not all men". Okay. Let's see you keep that same energy next time a terrorist attack happens and you're screaming "Not all Muslims" To clarify I think both are legitimate arguments. It's the hypocrisy I hate.…

The murder of 33 year old marketing executive Sarah Everard here in the UK was beyond tragic and I think it’s hit public consciousness particularly hard because for all intents and purposes, she took the right precautions (busy London street, wore bright clothing etc.) and yet she was abducted and…

It's come to my attention that some people get really pissed when they get texts at night. This is especially stupid when they have friends who are known night owls. EDIT: I think that if it's somebody who has stated to you they don't want texts at night, then of course it's gonna be your fault…

pretty much the title. i feel like amongst all this "is it t-phobic to not date trans people?" we are forgetting something fundamental, that when it comes to choosing dating or sexual partners we SHOULD be allowed to discriminate as we wish, and any society that shames it people for exercising that…

Here's what I mean: Historically people have associated certain duties or traits for each gender. Historically, men had or were expected to have the tougher or more physical roles (warriors, laborers, construction, etc) and women had the physically easier, though still mentally demanding, ones, such…

Let me start off by saying I’m a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I don’t believe the government should have any say in what folks do in their bedrooms and with their bodies. To each their own, and everyone deserves the freedom to love and be as they please. With that said, I find the…

This view has three main points, and the scenario of labeling products that employ children as "child-labor products" is used as an example. The main points are: 1. Disassociation of products and the practices applied in their manufacturing is a leading cause of unethical behavior, 2. Re…

My issue with pride parades and pride months stems from the fact that it separates the LGBTQ+ community from the rest of society. Unfortunately, some people look at gay/trans pride and say “Why do they get a whole month/parade for themselves? Why do they have to be so different?” Instead, we should…

I’m referring to solely American Politicians, although this may apply to other countries Americans are obsessed with the rags to riches stories. Don’t get me wrong they can be powerful, but having a “tough past” doesn’t make them a good politician/advocate for you. Sure they can sympathize with the…

In an interview with Oprah, Meghan Markle said that someone, presumably in the Royal family, expressed concerns about how dark her baby’s skin would be. But she declined to name who she alleges said that because it would be “very damaging to them.” If what she alleges is true, that is an abhorrent,…

I don't like how people say something bad about art, music and other entertainment. I sometimes find comments in the social media that tell how useless art, fiction, and music are, and I often become devastated everytime I read them. I even once cried about it. Imagine how the world would be if…

Probably will get a lot of hate for this but I don't find it transphobic to not want to date trans-people. I don't really know why just like I can't explain why I like the women I do. To me it just comes off as manipulation and an attempt to guilt trip someone into dating people they don't want to.…

It’s inexcusable that the vast majority of the world still maintains ties with China as they do the worst mass genocide since the Holocaust, and the only mass genocide that can compare to it. China needs to be held accountable and we need to send the message that this isn’t ok. The best way to do so…

Large corporations are largely responsible for the middle class disappearing. I think there should be a legal destination between Regular Joe’s burger shack vs. Mcdonalds. If your mom and pop restaurant can’t afford 15/hr then they deserve government subsidies to assist them to create a good…

I think this is systemic on both sides of the aisle. Republicans will fear-mongering to drive their policies and agendas, with very little basis in data. Democrats also focus heavily on pushing a "fairness and equality" narrative that drives their policies and agendas, oftentimes ignoring…

Proof: The Dark Knight: 84 Metascore Black Panther: 88 Metascore The Dark Knight: 9.0 IMDb score, #4 highest rated film on entire site Black Panther: 7.3 IMDb score The Dark Knight: 94% on BOTH critic and audience scores Black Panther: 96% critic score, 79% audience score The Dark Knight: won 2/8…

There are 2 major issues I have with this viewpoint: 1. I think the name "Digital Blackface" being used to describe the use of black gifs by non-black people is an overreaction and inaccurate. If someone is accused of blackface, it should be because they are literally impersonating a…

I opened this post with a paragraph about the times we find ourselves in, but that felt too soapbox-y and so I deleted it because this actually bothers me as what feels like a unique case that was worth openly discussing/debating. Also let me just get out of the way that I don't think there is any…

So apparently this question was too “loaded” for the other “ask” subreddits. I tried to phrase it in a way to not infer my opinion on the topic and just gather other points of view but still was removed. So I post here, view/question is pretty simple: I am of the opinion that mislabeling things as…

No. Hijab isn't strength, it isn't power. It's what everyone forces on you when you probably become 5 and if you don't wear it, then expect to be sexually harassed or even killed and murdered and raped(And no one will even support you nor punish the rapist according to the Islamic law) No. You…

Recently i had this argument with multiple people when i said “health at every size was bullshit and that medically obese people who are proud of being obese should change their mindset” the person grew pissed and said that i had no right to say that because i was “skinny”..? and that people should…

When it comes to child support, a common issue seems to be that a minority of fathers don't pay it on time. This can have very bad consequences for the mother and child, especially when you account for the fact the mother may have to go into debt to cover the expenses of the child and end up paying…

This applies to a wide range of things I see discussed in today's talking points put forward by the left part of the political spectrum. To give some examples I'd mention gender issues, the ongoing controversy around good policing or race issues. Maybe my view of humankind is just way too…

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