Buzzing on Change My View

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CMV: Signatures are an antiquated, useless system for authentifying identity on any document

TO BE CLEAR, By useless I mean "Ineffective at doing what they intend to do". In this context, that means identifying the person in question Basically any time a signature is used. it's purpose is useless. Here are some examples: 1. A signature at the bottom of a formal email, next to their name…

2021-11-30 01:12·View on Reddit

T-K (transitional Kindergarten) students, and I would argue kindergarten as well, probably through most of early elementary, should not receive homework at all, especially graded homework. My son is 5 years old, as of yesterday, but he’s been enrolled in a transitional kindergarten program at the…

Racism is inherently a collectivist ideology: people from one group are taught to view themselves as inherently superior to another group based on their collective identity and the positive attributes they associate it with at the expense of another group whom they view as inferior. White supremacy…

Video games have surely prevented death and injury to millions of people in the world by distracting their players and preventing them from drug relapses/suicide/depression, possibly assault, alcoholism, drunk driving, and possibly hundreds more generally-death or injury prone circumstances. I…

This attitude is especially prevalent on twitter: "Nordstrom is a multi-billion dollar company, who cares if they lose a few thousand dollars worth of inventory, they can just replace it." The way people frame it, the people who are against smash and grabs are the problem because they aren't talking…

When I google "Darrell Brooks" and look at news in the past 24 hours, the only major outlets having any stories about this are Fox News and New York Post. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, Washington Post, New York Times are all missing. There are also some local smaller outlets reporting on this. This should…

I'll never enjoy seeing someone getting hurt or killed no matter how "bad" of a person they are. even if they were literally Hitler. It happens often on reddit that I see posts about vigilante violence, or for example bikes being left unsupervised and trapped to hurt the thief, and people in the…

This happens to include this sub, although as per Rule D I am not talking about this sub in particular (and I DO still think it is entirely possible to change my mind--see below.) Anyway, this is how it goes on any sub not devoted to humor or neutral topics (i.e. without any political, social or…

This isn't going to be long. If a company requires an employee to be an unpaid intern before becoming a paid employee, they should be required to house them and feed them. Simple as that. It's basically indentured servitude otherwise. All volunteer work that is 40 hours a week or 3 full days or…

As a fat person, I’m tired of seeing morbidly obese people embrace body positivity and glorify their horrible health choices. I understand a lot of things come into play with gaining weight. I’m not talking about 200 lb people, but people who are 300+ lbs believing they are healthy and that there’s…

I’m sure you’ve heard of everything that’s going on in the US right now, and I can’t help but ask myself what the country will look like in a few years. As you probably know, gerrymandering allows a party (both Democrats and Republicans do this) to essentially determine election results ahead of…

With a near 50/50 split in politics amongst Americans, taking a strong political stance is flat out foolish, why would you potentially eliminate half your customer base? Business and politics has no reason to be in association. Companies today taking strong progressive stances are being blackballed…

So my title may be a bit confusing. But there's a lot of anti-incel posts on reddit. Incels whine all day about how women don't date short men how women see short men as "not real men" etc etc. People, rightfully call them out and tell them to stop whining. However, I've seen people talk about how…

I believe that actions speak louder than words. If you are aware of and complain about the practices of a corporation - or even just a small business, I suppose - but you continue to spend your money there, then what you’re really saying is that the value of those goods and services outweigh the…

So I did not follow the Rittenhouse case on the news. I don’t watch live news, I don’t watch streams, I tend to, in general, steer clear of this kind of stuff. My only real understanding of what was going on with the Rittenhouse case was the few threads I read on here and a couple clips I saw/heard…

Until two years Ago I used to live in a neighborhood in Germany with a lot of Turkish and Russian immigrants. Most of them are very nice people. Regardless of their language skills. But I don't get why someone would live in a foreign country for 10 plus years (or even in second generation) and not…

I see so many comments bring his race into the reason he got off, but if you really look at everything it’s because down to the data: he didn’t break any laws. So while I agree it was a bad situation to be in, and that how things played out is a tragedy, he still was held accountable to the extent…

My girlfriend has started following people who claim to be doctors on Tik Tok. She’s started telling me things like “did you know women aren’t provided any kind of pain medication after giving birth?”. That just sounds ridiculous, so I asked her where she learned it from. I told her any doctor that…

Edit: to clarify, I'm referring to the LEGAL right. As long as neither request nor refusal results in or calls for physical harm to either party, both are strictly matters of social contract, and fall outside the purview of law. Personal interpretation: a reasonable person should try their best…

I work in fast food. For a long time I gave a fuck about what I did, I tried. Even when we had call outs, We’re understaffed, ext. I would pick up extra slack to ensure that the company ran good and that my co workers felt happy in the environment we were in. Others would too in the name of the “The…

I understand the rage, I understand the sense of injustice. But that innocent person had nothing to do with it. I don’t care what the reason is. You do not have a right to burn down someone’s business who had nothing to do with the injustice being protested. You do not have a right to burn their…

INTRODUCTION I've been to both the PRC and Taiwan, and I've enjoyed my visits to both. But considering current geopolitical trends, I believe that Taiwan's days are numbered. I am very pro-democracy, but considering current geopolitical trends, I think our nations are well in decline, and that we…

Why do I think this? Well in simple terms, I've don't think I've ever heard a good reason to think humanity will die out...I know that we are amazing survivors and have reached incredible levels of success and security, especially in the last 200 years. Factors such as our initial rise from cave…

I'm GenX, but it happened upon me one day that if any of us were afforded the same opportunities and luxuries that the boomers were able to take advantage of, we would have as well, it's human nature. It's not like humans evolved; we are the exact same. It's just that time passed and culture…

The Bible makes it very clear that polygamy and marrying your sister or family members is perfectly moral. When having discussions about marriage with Christians we should really consider the entire context of the Bible to get a better understanding of its VERY open view of marriage. The Bible…

Also, let me make this crystal clear, I think sexualizing kids is wrong whether you are a virtuous pedophile or not, but my main point is not that, it is that it seeks to normalize pedophilia, and normalizing pedophilia makes pedophiles more comfortable with thoughts they really should not indulge…

CMV: There are few phrases more inaccurate and culturally insensitive than calling the US president "The Leader of the Free World", but somehow the majority of the US population doesn't bat an eye when it's used thousands of times a day in the media, and in daily conversation. This must…

Globalization, rural expansion, and other factors have led to an increased ability for human-carried viruses to emerge and spread with unprecedented pace and scale. Clearly COVID-19 is not the worst possible version of Coronavirus; one day a more virulent and deadly Flu, Coronavirus, or other virus…

I see this exchange happen a lot in gun debates - someone brings up the need to secure a free state by the vigilance of the people, then the anti-gun guy counters that some dudes with AR-15s could never fight off drone strikes and US Marines, so there’s no point in trying… I’m not sure if this kind…

The conventional wisdom, particularly on the left, is that the gender disparity in a lot of industries and jobs (STEM, executive roles, politics, childcare, etc) is entirely a result of socially enforced gender roles. Hence gender disparity in, for example, STEM field, is not explained by men and…

I think the previous generations were extremely lucky to have grown up in the earlier decades (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s). Yes, there were problems, such as racism and sexism... BUT they have grown in a world where: * there was continuous economic growth with relatively few crises compared to …

Yesterday YouTube announced that it will hide the number of dislikes a video has from the public and only the creator will be able to view the amount of dislikes their videos have, YouTube says this is because of “dislike attacks” which they say harm small creators specifically, however YouTube has…

From my perspective, the woke left is essentially holding Democrats hostage. This tiny, but vocal, group continues to push policies that are deeply unpopular to the detriment of Democrats. The results speak for themselves-in Minneapolis, voters rejected a ballot initiative that would have replaced…

Typing this on a phone so sorry for spelling mistakes I am a 17 year old straight boy so i could be very biased/under informed, however i do believe that the stigmatizing nature of being a member of the lgbtq+ community is far worse for a guy than it is for a girl. Don't get me wrong, both receive…

IMHO when this kind of conflict was allowed, at the very least, people would be open to debate and changing their minds. at least neutrals went back and forth and they were exposed to information they didn't know existed. now, reddit, youtube and the internet generally is primarily composed…

I found it very traumatic as a kid when people (other kids and some adults) got in my business and told me that I was going to hell, just because I didn't (first of all, even know what hell was) accept their savior. It was very confusing at first because it starts in elementary school, an age when…

A BIT OF BACKGROUND I am a mixed race individual, who can pass as white, having a white father and a mixed race mother, and I have a racially ambiguous name. I grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood in Detroit, MI, and while I did not recieve as much direct or indirect racism as many of my…

(This is semi-related to COVID as this argument comes up a lot but I’ve also seen this come up in responses to people that question climate change, evolution, etc). I understand the trusting of experts as more of a metric of probability and a crutch for the inevitable fact that most people will…

I am done with the web and searching for content on it. It's now at the point that almost any given search anywhere results in little more than clickbait(ish) titles, over-SEO'd pages, sales pitches, and malicious crap on a hacked WordPress site. Good luck searching for something that's not pop…

The entire identity of antivaxxers is this: "I don't trust Big Pharma, I don't trust the government. They want to infringe on my freedoms, and I am the Hero who will stand up for what's right." That "standing by the river of truth and saying 'no, you move'" thing is a massive part of conservative…

I’ve had a number of conversations with people who look down on homeless people in general, and these conversations almost always inevitably take the same turn, especially these days with so many hiring signs out - “Why don’t they just get a job like a normal person and stop living on the street” or…

My personal rule for tipping is I will tip if the job that the person is doing for me is a job that either: * Pays a wage that requires tipping, such as a waiter/waitress * Is a job that I can do myself, but am paying for someone else to do out of my own laziness, such as food delivery,…

I believe that human beings, while they are able to think in a more abstract, out of the box way, still retain an underlying biological pressure to reproduce, and the root instinctual desire for the act of sex, and the enjoyment that comes from it, is evolutions way of “rewarding” us for…

First and foremost, I’m not trying to minimize that contribution that women bring to a relationship. I’ll be the first to admit that I’d be lost without the women in my life, and I’m well aware that there are a lot of men out there that don’t carry their weight at home. But I’m not really talking…

With the Party’s clear embracement of Qanon, a literal death cult conspiracy theory, anti democratic practices such as voter suppression, the big lie of Trump and the rest of the party, and the attack on human rights such as the limitations on Queer people’s healthcare or opposition to a minimum…

You do not expand by not looking beyond that what you currently know. According to Nietzsche what defines an Übermensch is his quest to always expand his point of view. Way too many people are caught in in psychological trap, which makes them ignorant and dismissive of anything that they perceive as…

Recently a survey came out that more than 1/3 of white students lie about their race on college applications. [] The students were heavily criticized on leftist twitter and by civil…

According to Google there are 78 gender pronouns now. Thats freaking crazy. I cant pronounce most of them to even refer to someone even if I really wanted to cause I simply can't say many of them and they confuse me on how to fit into my grammer and sentence structure (2 things I already struggle…

There’s a big push going on right now to have artifacts currently residing in European museums to be returned to their country of origin. I think this is a dangerous idea in terms of keeping the artifacts safe. In the Middle East for example, we have seen ISIS on many occasions specifically seek out…

I am honest to god not looking to just rant about how much I dislike him, I am really looking to better understand or have my mind changed on why this person has fans praising his bravery when he clearly seems like a fake. Why is what he is doing OK? Looking at Kaepernicks twitter, his fans are…

After seeing quite a few posts here considdereing sexuality, abortion, transgenderism etc I decided to make a CMV myself. I believe the public is being manipulated to talk about these topics because they are polarizing and distracting from the real agenda of the right: What does the right…

Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter all began to blow up when I was in middle school, and from the very beginning my fellow students and I were hounded to be careful what we post online as it will be publicly recorded forever and there are consequences to negative actions. Nowadays when adults speak or…

I know, I’m not the wisest guy here since I’m literally using a social media to say this. But this is less of a rant and more of a conclusion of mine. This addresses all of the recent encounters I’ve had with some specific people online. And judging by the fact of how common it is, you’ve probably…

I have seen a number of posts across Reddit (particularly r/antiwork [/r/antiwork]) that how employers exploit employees when it comes to calling in sick. One such situation I have seen mentioned a lot is that employers are requiring doctors' notes on, or after taking a sick day or face punishment.…

Title says it, the idea that if some rich dude just donates part of his money and it will fix world hunger is just, extremely stupid, naive and utopian. The US governament alone spend more than 6 Trillion Dollars in 2020 alone. Money alone won't…

Sometimes I hear from comments online and even YouTube videos dedicated to the subject, that it is offensive for non-disabled actors (example: Daniel Day Lewis, Tom Hanks) to play disabled characters. Instead we should have disabled actors play these roles because they truly know what it is like-…

So in the UK after the recent murder of an MP (the second in 5 years) the government is now considering removing anonymity in the UK for social media platforms. This is the same government that also tried to make you require ID to view porn and that has made it illegal to cause a disruption while…

You'll often hear the that 100 companies produce 71% of carbon emissions. This is technically true given a couple of definitions. You'll also usually hear people say that because of that, we really just need to get those 100 companies to clean up and we'll solve climate change. This, however, is…

I'll limit it to Canada and USA, but I am sure this applies to others. When I hear people being concerned about low birth rates, I think, even if that's a problem, what can we do about it. I would like my view changed because right now I'm a pessimist. Please note that this post isn't about…

I started thinking of this after seeing this tweet. It's an asexual model advertising an asexual-themed lingerie line. Apparently the accepted definition of asexual has broadened to include people that enjoy…

If a million kings made a million decisions for their subjects with a mindset of "trust your feelings", and another million kings made a million decisions for their subjects with a dispassionate mindset (Vulcan style), the latter group would have more success more often. Whenever someone defends a…

Disclaimer: Since I'm probably going to be called an anti-vaxxer for making this argument, I want to make it clear that I have taken the vaccine and would encourage anyone who is medically fit to do so also take it. With that out of the way, I see a lot of pro-vaccine and pro-mandate…

I see this with celebrities and “influencers” but also in general. Many people promote this message of “loving yourself for who you are” while they themselves are refuse to be seen without makeup, use filters and photoshop and get surgeries to look better. I think one of the goofiest things I’ve…

“White culture” is synonymous with American culture because most Americans are white and “white culture” is the dominant culture in the USA. People should stop referring to American culture as “white culture” and start referring to it as “American culture” because it doesn’t let nonwhites assimilate…

A lot of times, we hear people in the West defending atrocities committed by other cultures/nations, saying that "We are not in a position to judge them for their wrongdoings, since we are a product of Western culture and we have been indoctrinated with Western values." I think this sentiment is…

I am a professional chef and the pandemic and lockdown hit the food scene like the fist of an angry god. Many restaurants immediately shut down to wait it out. Many restaurants shut down and went out of business. Some restaurants were able to stay in business by effectively converting to a dine-out…

A phrase I've seen used a lot recently in internet discourse is this idea of "cancel culture", moreso in the last few weeks because of controversy surrounding Dave Chappelle's new comedy special. Interestingly it seems like this idea has become popular even among the center-left (which I feel are…

I don't understand why waking up early is considered a great thing and people look down on those who wake up late (atleast in my country, India) I wake up late because I start my work at 10 and if I wake up at 5 in the morning, I would just be draining my energy till 10. Waking up at 9 and…

I don’t have my social handles listed on any of my dating profiles but I’ve still had people be able to find my Instagram as some of them go to the same college as me and we have mutual followers. I don’t think this is okay as the fact that we didn’t match should indicate that I may not be…

There are some people that think humanity is only getting worse, all changes that come forth are bad etc, you know the type. But I don't think that's how it is. But challenge me. I don't see humanity getting worse, or people getting worse, but better, even despite the melting pots of people who are…

Imagine the apartment you live in catches on fire and you live on the third floor. You get to the elevator but of course there’s a sign that says “in case of fire use stairs” Seems easy enough, right? But what if you’re in a wheelchair or scooter. You can’t use the stairs so your only options are…

Mainly using my points here regarding US politics as the issue is most pronounced there, but this does apply to other democratic politics aswell. Modern democracy still has a long way to go until it is the idealized system it's often described as. But I…

I understand that there is a LOT of baggage and history and context behind the n word that me as a non-black person couldn’t fully understand. With that said however, I cannot understand the logic behind not being able to sing a lyric containing said n word without being labeled a racist, other than…