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CMV:People who work “Extra hard” at minimum wage jobs create worse standards for themselves by showing they can and will work hard for no extra compensation.

I work in fast food. For a long time I gave a fuck about what I did, I tried. Even when we had call outs, We’re understaffed, ext. I would pick up extra slack to ensure that the company ran good and that my co workers felt happy in the environment we were in. Others would too in the name of the “The…

2021-11-21 15:39·View on Reddit

You can get around 100k to 150k kcal from a single hunted large animal (wild boar, deer, etc.) I don't see a way to get that many calories from eating plants without killing significantly more animals and causing significantly more suffering. Most plant foods are currently produced with the help…

I understand the rage, I understand the sense of injustice. But that innocent person had nothing to do with it. I don’t care what the reason is. You do not have a right to burn down someone’s business who had nothing to do with the injustice being protested. You do not have a right to burn their…

INTRODUCTION I've been to both the PRC and Taiwan, and I've enjoyed my visits to both. But considering current geopolitical trends, I believe that Taiwan's days are numbered. I am very pro-democracy, but considering current geopolitical trends, I think our nations are well in decline, and that we…

Why do I think this? Well in simple terms, I've don't think I've ever heard a good reason to think humanity will die out...I know that we are amazing survivors and have reached incredible levels of success and security, especially in the last 200 years. Factors such as our initial rise from cave…

I'm GenX, but it happened upon me one day that if any of us were afforded the same opportunities and luxuries that the boomers were able to take advantage of, we would have as well, it's human nature. It's not like humans evolved; we are the exact same. It's just that time passed and culture…

The Bible makes it very clear that polygamy and marrying your sister or family members is perfectly moral. When having discussions about marriage with Christians we should really consider the entire context of the Bible to get a better understanding of its VERY open view of marriage. The Bible…

Also, let me make this crystal clear, I think sexualizing kids is wrong whether you are a virtuous pedophile or not, but my main point is not that, it is that it seeks to normalize pedophilia, and normalizing pedophilia makes pedophiles more comfortable with thoughts they really should not indulge…

CMV: There are few phrases more inaccurate and culturally insensitive than calling the US president "The Leader of the Free World", but somehow the majority of the US population doesn't bat an eye when it's used thousands of times a day in the media, and in daily conversation. This must…

Globalization, rural expansion, and other factors have led to an increased ability for human-carried viruses to emerge and spread with unprecedented pace and scale. Clearly COVID-19 is not the worst possible version of Coronavirus; one day a more virulent and deadly Flu, Coronavirus, or other virus…

I see this exchange happen a lot in gun debates - someone brings up the need to secure a free state by the vigilance of the people, then the anti-gun guy counters that some dudes with AR-15s could never fight off drone strikes and US Marines, so there’s no point in trying… I’m not sure if this kind…

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