Buzzing on Change My View

Weekly Selection / Issue 39 · 2021-10-15


CMV: Things like "Watch your drink" or "use a buddy system" aren't victim blaming

There was a guide on r/coolguides [/r/coolguides] that flipped these tips on their head like "if you see a drink, don't spike it" or similar inversions of these tips on the basis that you should not victim blame. But these aren't victim blaming. If you don't lock your door to your house and it gets…

2021-10-14 20:37·View on Reddit

A new movie paid for and produced by CNN is coming out and capping a few years of heavy media coverage of the US women's soccer party structure. Consistently they have claimed unequal pay. The official judgement when dismissing their lawsuits were based on the following points: They and their…

Whilst I understand the logic behind the sentiment, the 'racism = power + privilege', the arguement falls apart when you zoom out and attempt to comprehend the scope of the prejudice and discrimination that happens all over the world on a daily basis. I have been spat on in the streets of Tunisia…

This is just something that I have come to observe. Now, it might have something to do with me and whom I choose to surround myself around, but it feels like more people are beginning to throw the "have you considered therapy" line as a way of shutting others up. They don't really want to hear about…

To be clear, I'm only talking about cases where the threat is still active. If someone's running away you obviously shouldn't be able to shoot them in the back. But if someone punches you and is still an active threat to you, you should be able to stab/shoot them to neutralize them. A punch can…

There are exceptions to this and that is if they are in a position of power and authority and their speech indicated they are negatively impacting groups of people in their lives due to being the owner of a business, a politician, or a person of legal authority. With in that exception it needs to…

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