Buzzing on Change My View

Archive / 2021-9


CMV: Netflix should bring back Advanced Dungeons and Dragons on Community

Netflix removed this episode of Community because Chang wore "blackface". My stance is not very complex. Firstly, I understand that dark elves are arguably based on racial stereotypes and I think the only argument in favor of removing the episode is that supportting something based on a…

2021-09-30 22:39·View on Reddit

I accept that this could be a flawed view, but I think most people need to stop being so self-righteous and just accept older people often do have better advice because they have had more time to be wrong and make mistakes and then find better ways to deal with them than younger people have. There…

This isn't just a view I personally hold, it's also the conclusion of a wide ranging review of transgender inclusion in sport by Equality in Sport [] in the UK. For a long time now…

I realize that the sub has a nsfw tag upon entry. That's a different story than scrolling the front page and seeing a post with no warning that you're about to see a video start, unprompted, that will graphically show gun violence and in some cases actual death from that gun violence. I haven't been…

Edit: I am from Germany. This generally means that most parties do not disregard any human rights and you are not going to change my mind by telling me how horrible a certain American party is. Most of the western world lives in a democracy and one of its basic principles is pluralism. Pluralism…

It's a feature plenty of phones have, and it does not do anything to enhance user experience. If you're typing something, you know you're typing. If you're staring at your screen, you know you're not typing. what does the sound add? Hell, if your phone has a keyboard it's not even as loud as the…

This in reference to any political post that you find on this website. Sort by top comments & you’ll find multiple sweeping generalizations attacking the opposing party. For example, earlier I saw a top comment on an r/all [/r/all] post that said “Republicans are racist but deny it since they’re not…

People always talk about how people are different from politicians, and you are not supposed to judge a person based on what their politicians do. However I would argue that this is simply a tactic used to avoid responsibility. I do not want to point fingers at specific countries in my actual post,…

Seems pretty odd that you can go to jail for decades for doing a drug. I don't advocate it by any means, but if the idea is truly to "rehabilitate" wouldn't it make more sense to give folks an opportunity to get clean through other means other than just sitting in a cell? Are there not better…

I feel like there are new pronouns or statements that are declared insensitive every other day. This isn’t a problem for me. I am happy to call people whatever they want and treat them however they want. However, since what language is acceptable is changing so frequency, it is not my responsibility…

I'll try my best to keep this as succinct as possible. Of late, I have been hearing about how terrible of a job the United States is doing with vaccinations because of anti-vaxxers and all that. Often cited is the number of 55% of the total population vaccinated and how it is something like 30th…

If we broke up real estate empires and capped the number of homes that individuals and companies can own, it would force them to sell and drive the prices back down to real-world, while opening up housing to people who need it. - Why not cap individuals at say, 5 homes (generously) - Smaller real…

I’ll explain quickly how they work then offer a quick syllogism arguing why you should care about this issue. First, I’m not an economist or an accountant, I’m a business leader working in a large corporation who has drawn some conclusions watching what happens in my corner of the world and has…

I think a large degree of why people often end up causing each other so much stress, anguish, and other ill feelings on the internet is often because to some degree there is no handbook that we're all operating out of, if we used public education to establish a baseline level of internet knowledge…

CMV: Apple's marketing is so killer they have millions of "lifetime customers" financing these devices which provide 0 performance value upgrade to them. If you replaced every single component of a new iPhone other than the exterior appearance, 9/10 people buying them would not notice, and would…

As anyone who has been or known an addict, nothing matters to them but that next high. Things like rent/bills/food might as well be chopped liver. Once these people are strung-out on the streets is where the trouble starts. If we could start a vocational program for heroin addicts, etc. They could…

The United States has a debt problem and a data security problem that I believe have a mutually beneficial solution: severe financial ramifications for companies and institutions that have data breaches. We have a systemic reoccurrence of data breaches across all sectors in the US and organizations…

Subs like /r/vaxxhappened and /r/therightcantmeme and the hundreds of other subs that exist to highlight assholes on The Other Side, are ultimately just platforming their propaganda and increasing mainstream exposure to their messaging strategy. Like shills and right wingers will just post whatever…

It's simple, based on the "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins" principle, if someone exercising their freedoms incurs costs to someone else, the party responsible for the the harm should be held accountable.  Political reality may limit holding someone who refused to vaccinate…

I'm a Catholic and my father received stem cell treatment a few years ago. It massively improved his quality of life. I learned shortly beforehand that a woman's afterbirth and its core blood contains a lot of stem cells which can be used, to the point that women can actually donate them. I think…

In the case of racial preferences and sex preferences, physical characteristics are being used to discriminate against potential partners. If someone doesn't like dick, they won't fuck/date guys. If someone doesn't like black features, they won't date black people. Both of these seem…

Title explains itself. The only exceptions to this are the good ol' kick in the balls in self defense (or if a guy is being extremely sexist/ sexually harassed a woman), or castration in revenge for rape. In any other case it's just sexual violence and humiliation that is equally severe as groping…

So here is how I see it. Bezos is the richest person out there. I'm OK with that because he revolutionized a huge part of the economy. Whether you are OK is a different argument, there are things he does that I despise, which for this discussion I will ignore. His wealth is due to the stock he owns…

The housing situation in the United States is out of control. I'm looking at buying my first home in the next few years in Western Washington and the situation there is ridiculous. Houses are selling for tens of thousands over asking, realtors are getting many offers the same day the house is…

Every time there's a news story involving a crime and a person who isn't punished to the degree that the public wants him or her to be, there's bound to be at least one of the following comments, or some variation thereof: "This paedophile 'got off' on a technicality! How is this fair?" "How can…

It doesn't matter which part of the spectra we talk about; Communism, Fascism, Dominionism, Salafism, absolute Monarchy, etc. All of these ideologies being implemented resulted in worse living standards, destruction of cultural heritage, destruction of personal freedoms, social stagnation, economic…

I currently have been trying to reduce putting my money towards businesses like Amazon with known, unethical practices. I understand that morality and ethics are subjective measures, but I personally deem businesses with evidence of worker exploitation, poor wages, poor working conditions, illegal…

Even with a structured standard curriculum, parents are only going to be able to teach their kids what they know or think they know. What they teach is going to be biased according to their own personal beliefs and prejudices with no alternative views presented or discussed. Parents who are anti…

When you sit down to a meal, I think we can all agree that it should be a relaxing, pleasant experience. The last thing someone should have to do is perform surgery on their pasta. Yet, that is often exactly what is required of diners when a restaurant offers pasta with shrimp that have not been…

I sometimes I hate how American most of Reddit is. I'm Indian and I have taken the vaccine which is available here and I'm also wearing masks all the time because India. But, even though I understand how Work From Home is awesome (and I'm for it completely) I just can't feel the same way about…

I don't care if it's your sweet grandma or that super nice friend of yours. If everyone revealed all their true thoughts about everything, whether that be politics, race, thoughts on other people, or anything else, there would be something that society would "cancel", "shun" and "demonize" that…

Im not arguing that police always have a positive impact on communities, and not denying that violence and racism are relatively widespread issues that stem from policing. Im purely comparing the flawed structure of policing with the actual alternatives: 1) privatised security forces. Justice is…

I used to be a teacher. I often hear people complain that education should be equal and people shouldn't have to move to give their kids a great education. In theory, I agree. But its just not realistic for a number of reason. Biggest one is that states set their own standards. When some states…

If we are going to consider those fetus' human beings which need protection from "murder" or whatever form of child abuse you want to call it, then that fetus should be legally treated exactly as a child. This means it is a citizen and it's parents are protected from deportation. It means child…

The United States has either tied (stalemate) or lost every ‘war’ it’s fought in since WW2. And yet we have the biggest military world wide, we are the biggest seller of arms and ammunition, we spend more on our military than all other wealthy western countries. Having the most advanced as well as…

To start and for the sake of transparency: I am a pro-choice male living in a state within the USA where abortion rights are codified into law. The response I often see from pro-life individuals who are accused of "not being pro-life, but pro-birth" is that in their personal deep help…

- The population in the developed world is getting older - The developed world is becoming increasingly urban - The developping world is now wealthier and more educated - Women have entered the workforce That's why politicians serve the interest of boomers: in the UK's last election half of…

EDIT: I have given deltas to arguments based on the idea that gender dysphoria is a medical ailment with medical treatments. I had been hesitant to label it as a disease in my post because I had been told in the past that labeling it as a disease is dangerous because being gay used to be considered…

Everyone agrees that ending the life of a 1 year old is murder. Abortion disagreements exist because most don't agree on how far to dial that back and not consider it murder. I think most everyone agrees that after the child is born, we would convict a person of murder to end the "life". What if we…

I live in a part of the United States where the number of unvaccinated people is very high. I received my first and second covid shots back in March and April. Research shows that a third shot / booster has a strong protective effect for people who have already been vaccinated. There is already…

A warning at the outset: if you’re prone to anxiety and depression, especially about existential risk and/or the impacts of climate change, please take care of yourself and maybe avoid this discussion entirely. Throwaway because talking about this makes me feel like a crazy person. Sorry about all…

In America, we learn from an early age not to let other peoples mean words effect them, with slogans like "sticks and stones may break my bones..." along with many others. This was so critical for me growing up as a minority in a racist southern state, if I didn't learn early on not to let other…

It is extremely short sighted and apathetic to make safe abortions much more difficult to obtain so that you can sleep better at night, while doing nothing to support the already problematic foster care system you are indirectly causing to be overwhelmed with unwanted/unsupported births. It is an…

For some reason it seems like most people eat a banana like this 🍌. Namely they partially peel it and hold the banana by the peel while they eat it. A preferred way of eating a banana is to completely remove the peel and throw it away before taking the first bite. The first advantage of the full…

I've seen many posts and comments saying "restrict the voting rights of people with beliefs I don't like" and "people with anti-vax beliefs should not be given healthcare." Is it truly worth it to do such things? It might seem favorable when your beliefs are popular and loved by the public. But…

Both masks and underwear are pieces of fabric that cover the body in order to protect others. An argument why we have laws against nudity is that it is to protect public safety...the safety from the trauma of seeing somebody nude. The debate revolves around personal liberty vs public safety. The…

I am not making this into an argument of whether or not a fetus is a baby, that is an entirely different discussion, my view is that attempting to ban abortions does not significantly decrease the number of abortions. With the recent SB8 law passed in Texas there is a lot of debate and outrage. The…

Let's say a chemist working for a pharmaceutical company discovers a new drug/molecule that is cheap and easy to make, no side effects, and cures any illness - viral/bacterial infections, cancers, whatever. Let's say for the sake of argument that people could even make this drug themselves at home…

Afghanistan is just the latest in a string of wars that in retrospect were completely in vain & a waste of human life & money. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, all of these were failed wars. People in charge knew they were & didn't want to end them for various political reasons. We can see how bad the…

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