Buzzing on Change My View

Archive / 2021-8


CMV: Silencing COVID anti-vaxxers etc. isn't the right way to combat misinformation

After seeing many subreddits go private in an attempt to force Reddit's hand so they ban subs such as NoNewNormal and other such communities, it's made me start to think about how we treat people and communities with these controversial view points, Reddit has always been bad for echo-chambers,…

2021-08-31 21:37·View on Reddit

As I see it, religious exemptions boil down to, "If you have a firmly held belief that you should not have to follow this rule, then you don't have to follow the rule." But only if you belong to a pre-approved group of people who also feel strongly that they shouldn't have to follow that rule. I…

With all the important news coming out of Afghanistan, lots of people are desperate for information on the status of the evacuation, etc, going on in Kabul. The BBC, ABC, Al-Jazeera, and others, all have female lead reporters on the ground who are trying to interview Taliban leaders for critical…

Hospitals are so full that people are coming in and being denied care for other medical stuff. A veteran died because of an appendicitis because the beds were so full of unvaccinated Covid patients. Enough is enough! I lost sympathy for people who are risking a mutant covid that makes vaccinated…

I think getting rejected sucks just as much as the next person, but it’s the risk you take when you decide to make an advance on your friend, especially your best friend. You know what lies in wait for you when you do it. You should know whether or not you can handle being friends with someone who…

So for example, if you are an employee of a car dealership, you may have a goal to sell, say, 30 cars a month and if you sell more, you get a bonus of, say $500 per car above 30. I believe this kind of things encourages employees and customers to act in ways that are damaging to the business and…

Whenever discussions about twitter comes up, people seem to absolutely hate that site. And yet, there are several tweets on the front page right now, not to mention the subreddits specifically about posting twitter screenshots. I don't use twitter frequently, so I'm confused about what people on…

Reddit as a whole tends to allow controversial or even downright incorrect information on this site. This is demonstrated time and time again within subreddits such as sino, which argues/believes tianmen massacre never happened. This is arguably dangerous as well as it gives them more ammo again the…

As far as I know, it's not controversial to say that parasocial relationships are destructive. [] These relationships often take the form of celebrity worship or extreme fandom, wherein a person will become obsessed with a public figure…

Saudi Arabia is the biggest funder and supporter of terrorism in the Middle east and likely around the world. They created ISIS and fund the terrorist group. Saudi Money funds the Islamic state, Saudi citizens fight for them in mass, and the Wahhabism government turns a blind eye because their…

I’m a 5’9 male, so I don’t fit the bill for that standard, but don’t have an issue with it. Physical attraction is a huge part of a relationship and is very important (looks do matter). Anytime a woman says she prefers or will only date 6’0+ men, short men will get pissed and act like she’s the…

In this country, the United States, there is supposedly an intentional wall between church and state. The state is capable of wielding enormous power and influence in public and private lives of citizens. The separation between church and state is to protect each body from the other. The state…

My view: The most popular social media platforms in the West, namely Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, all lack the equivalent of a "downvote" reaction. As Reddit has shown us over the past decade+, content which receives far more upvotes than downvotes moves up in the algorithm's ranking and is…

This is the perfect opportunity to purge these very important professions of the crazed, deluded, dangerous, and unintelligent. Medical personnel should be required to follow medical science point blank, doctors and nurses should not be allowed to keep their jobs if they are anti vaccine because it…

So I completely understand that major corporations are the cause of a majority of carbon issues and should be taking a lot of the blame for climate change. And I definitely think for us to actively combat climate change we need legislation that would restrict the use of fossil fuels and wastefulness…

I'm not talking about the religious relationships where people have multiple spouses or whatever. I mean the people who are in relationships but then go out fucking other random people all the time. How is that a relationship? You aren't exactly being loyal to your partner now are you. It also seems…

First I want to say that empathy for people feel that way and can fully understand that someone is frustrated about it. But I cant understand the claim that "its over" in terms of a relationship just because of your looks. I dont see effidence for that in real life, I see unattractive people in a…

For some reason, many leftists have bought into the idea that men and women are the same and therefore every disparity is the result of sexism despite the fact that there is not a single study that has found no difference between the brains of men and women and several that have found clear…

I've been fascinated recently with historical attempts at structurelessness and the effect that has on human behaviour given that hierarchies of one form or another have historically been an inevitable part of basically any large human society. The story of Tony Hseih's dream of a structureless…

I'm absolutely open to having my view changed on bit or whatever coins, but after a comment response I just made to someone trying to defend NFTs, stablecoins, smart contracts, I've realized a very specific thing that can clue you in to the fact that they're a type of Ponzi scheme or scam: "if you…

Changing opinions is usually seen as a sign of weakness or incompetence, and most people are subconsciously terrified of being wrong. With that being said, I believe that the reason why the split between the political community is so much larger than before isn’t solely because if echo chambers,…

I suffer from depression, am at the stage of suicide idealization, and generally speaking I have more or less accepted that I will die by my hand eventually. Not today and probably not tomorrow, but I can see the trend in my life and I don't see it getting better. Truth is that some people are dealt…

We are allowed to promote and encourage choices that can lead us to live healthier lives. If you choose not to do these things, it is fine, that's your choice to make. This doesn't mean that information regarding these things is an attack on your right to choose whether or not to partake in them. It…

Most religions in fundamentalist form are dangerous. However Islam adds another layer to this, by preaching how to govern people, and clearly dictates what laws are and are not to be implemented. This is directly contradictory to the concept of developing laws by public forum, considering the views…

Let me first clarify that I am in no way trying to justify the sexual assault of children. It is, of course, disgusting and immoral. Having said that, I feel that my argument is primarily predicated upon my belief that treating pedophilia as a mental illness will lead to a decrease in the number of…

I wanted to make this post after seeing a woman on twitter basically say that a white woman shouldn't have made a cookbook about noodles and dumplings because she was not Asian. This weirded me out because from my perspective, I didn't do anything to create my cultures food, so I have no greater…

The people - people of all races, colors, creeds, economic statuses, education levels, and morals - who pay their share of taxes do so because that is what they need to do in order to financially secure all of the benefits that being a citizen of the USA provides. When you pay taxes, that means…

I like being introverted and by myself. I feel like whenever someone tells me they’re worried about my lack of friendships it’s unhealthy. But what if I don’t want friends? Back in college I kind of realized I was an annoying person and now that I’m older, I’m more laidback but I don’t have…

Our interests don’t always align with good paying jobs. If yours do, good for you, but you’re an exception. That’s why there are so many starving musicians and freelance writers. So many people decide to choose a job that they enjoy when in reality, the job they enjoy is unrealistic and pays like…

I am genuinely looking for new perspectives on this, because I have thought long and hard about my position but my opinion on this still seems to be at odds a bit with several of my close friends. To begin, I am not anti-sex work. I technically have a job in the sex industry- my last year of…

Because this is a topic with a lot of really fervent advocates whose attention I'm likely to draw, let me clarify some things about what I'm not saying: 1. I am espousing a PREDICTIVE view, not a normative view. I am not arguing whether nuclear power is good or bad, necessary or unnecessary. …

When choosing a vehicle to purchase or when choosing how to customize your vehicle, you have options. You could buy an old 1990s sedan and replace the ancient FM radio with a Bluetooth receiver, you could buy a reliable SUV and install spill-proof seat covers for your messy kids, or you could buy a…

I don’t think it means that they have each other’s back because job is hard (more jobs are dangerous), they are big community that wants close knit community, hard job that needs support and all that other good jazz like every other profession has. I literally think it is about protecting bad apples…

I’ve been seeing countless posts by people who choose not to be vaccinated for myriad reasons. The thing they all have in common is the lack of reasonable judgement. There's seemingly this denialism of how disruptive the pandemic has been for everyone on the planet and yet the refusal to do their…

I see people all the time call things grilled cheese that aren't and I don't understand it. How the hell is a sandwich with ham, turkey or even brisket a grilled cheese when the primary ingredients are not cheese. Cheese cannot be an after thought or an accent in something something called "grilled…

I personally do not see a use for the Senate. In theory, the senators are supposed to enact the interests of the state but in reality the senators pander to their political party. Representation is based entirely on States and not population so we end up having a backwards system where less people…

We could give people a warning, a last chance to get vaccinated, before sending the inoculation abroad. After that, resources will not be wasted on them. These stories of thousands of vaccines going bad because people refuse to get vaccinated demonstrates a mismatch in supply and demand. Since a…

Afghanistan is a lost cause and countless thousands of afghans have grown up in a democracy and are going to be plunged into a handmaid's tale dystopia very soon. I met an all girls law school team of afghan women at an event a few years ago, and I can't imagine what they must be going through right…

I am not anti-vax (I had both) and I am not pro-life, but I have always felt that the 'my body, my choice - and the buck stops there' argument was weak ass. There are many good arguments on the pro-choice side, I just don't think this is one of them. If you think the bodily-autonomy argument is…

As far as media creation goes, the goal is generally to be appealing to potential audiences (viewers, readers, players, etc.), so it’s pretty much impossible to point at examples of “forced diversity” as uniquely cynical. Creative choices are either all legitimate or all “forced”. Even if someone…

We all made sacrifices over the course of 2020 and the first part of 2021 as a result of the global pandemic. I struggled a great deal, but was able to pull through because there was a light at the end of the tunnel: vaccines and a return to normal life. I wore my mask. I stayed isolated to the…

Grades K-12 are intended to teach students the basic information that most people should know by adulthood. It is agreed upon that certain subjects be required in order to graduate. This is to ensure students are well educated on things a school board has deemed important like: their country’s…

It is well-documented that 20th-century medical experiments in the US used African-Americans as guinea pigs in the Tuskegee syphilis study while telling them falsely that they were getting important medicine. This has been broadly cited as a reason that African-Americans do not trust the government…

First of all, I'm not saying we shouldn't "go green" or try to stop our destruction of the environment, but the ship to "stop before irreversible damage" has long sailed. We can't just suck the CO2 and undo everything, the change is already underway and no human intervention can stop that. Instead…

I'm not even going to talk about the electoral college or senate representation because opinions on their reform are popular. Every fucking year, children in America are indoctrinated that their country has the greatest political system ever crafted by genius statesmen. When in reality, those…

I see how much the wealthy have broken down society and turned us into cold hustling sociopaths to better work for them and to kill ourselves or be killed when we become worthless in their eyes. I fully believe stealing from the rich isn't morally wrong... They're hoarding wealth they earned by…

It’s really frustrating to me seeing online communities and mainstream media pushing a narrative that you can still be healthy and obese when that’s completely false. When you’re overweight (but more so when you’re obese) fat builds up around your organs such as your heart and lungs which create…

So many people since Covid for example, are talking about how they “prayed to god, who told them they shouldn’t get the vaccine” Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t bishops, elders, cardinals and priests “special” because they talk to god? Why are they so special if everyone does it? Why do we need…

View is pretty simple - I believe that no citizen should be subject at birth to the death penalty, but those who choose to accept state authority & responsibility ought to be held to a higher standard. By that, I mean that they should not only receive the death penalty for capital crimes, but a…

I'll start with Kevin Hart. In 2018, when Kevin Hart was set to host the Oscars, a series of homophobic tweets from 2009-2011 resurfaced, which eventually caused him to step down. I don't know if this was justified. He made those comments 7-9 years prior and he may very well have changed. Was their…

While old age alone is not a reason to revoke a person’s drivers license, those with age-related physical and cognitive challenges such as slower reflexes or vision troubles pose a danger to the public and to themselves. As of right now in the United States, drivers are required to reapply for their…

I've become aware of a fascinating conspiracy theory that Lizard People run various governments--the United States of America, etc. Always, the operating assumption is that this is bad specifically because they are Lizard People. I find this close minded and offensive. We shouldn't be biased…

Every time a company is issued a fine for criminal behavior, it's just accepted as the cost of doing business. Marginal profits are slightly diminished, or sometimes the fines are already anticipated and pre-allocated no differently than a simple bribe. What's the point of having laws at all, if the…

I shouldn't be expected to wear a mask if I'm vaccinated. I got my shots so I didn't have to. I wore a mask under our state mask mandate. I played by the rules during the first year or so of the pandemic. Clearly those who won't mask or get vaccinated don't care if they get sick. They've shown that…

(post uncensored for rhetorical effects as the subject matter pertains to it) So this is directly in response to multiple festivals cancelling Dababy. Let me start by saying, I don't care where you land ideological about his statements, that's not the basis for my view. This is purely about charging…

I'm in college debate and just moved on to uni where it's aggressively liberal. One of the things I've already been yelled at for is referring to homeless people as such. They want me to say unhouse individuals or people without housing. Which I found very semantic and nit-picky. The stated reason…

I understand why reddit would ban mgtow tbh, it was full of alt righters spewing hate. However mgtow2 was also banned which did not have that on any level at all. Regardless to my point, if reddit wants to ban these subs for being sexist or saying negative things about the other sex or whatever…

So firstly, notice the word "many" if my title, because this will obviously not apply to everyone. But I do think it applies to many. I think many of the people you see who support concepts such as "no human is illegal" and "no borders" are hypocrites, and only believe this for countries for which…

My interest in him started in 2016 when I saw headline after headline likening him to Hitler, countless articles referring to him as racist, misogynist, transphobic, homophobic, the list of epithets endless. "This is going to be an interesting read" i thought to myself, and so I began watching full…

Inspired by an argument made with a user on here. Let's completely disregard the fact that currently I don't believe a surgically constructed sex organ is unidentifiable compared to a "natural" one, but lets disregard this and pretend there is no way to tell the difference at all. So let's…

When people die of COVID, where do you think they go? People die every day anyways, but funeral homes have been absolutely swamped since the start of this whole thing. The only thing you’ve probably heard about is the sheer number of bodies, having to be put into refrigerated trucks because the…

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